Dr. Melissa Carroll
Latest from Dr. Melissa Carroll

How Canada Became a Player in the 1960s
In the 1960s, Canada learned to punch above its weight on the global stage.
Life -Back in Time for Dinner |

Riding High on Birthrates and Sugar in the 1950s
In the 1950s, children were everywhere — and we were feeding them heaps of sugar.
Life -Back in Time for Dinner |

Farming, spying, being a zoot: six ways to pass the time as a 1940s teen
WWII-era youth didn't have time to be bored, they were too busy collecting fat and watching their neighbours.
Life -Back in Time for Dinner |

Farming, spying, being a zoot: six ways to pass the time as a 1940s teen
WWII-era youth didn't have time to be bored, they were too busy collecting fat and watching their neighbours.
Life -Back in Time for Dinner |