What's it like to be on a reality show? Former Canada's Ultimate Challenge players share their tips
Casting is now open for Season 3

What's it really like to star in a reality show? We asked some players from Season 1 for some tips on how they were cast and how to be your best in the competition.
What did you like best about being on Canada's Ultimate Challenge?
Courtney Copoc-Hopkins: Endless laughs, tears, connections, memories. It was always thrilling and tons of fun. The experience was beyond all physical challenges. Often, I think we all were challenged more mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You learn a lot about yourself throughout the experience.
Bradley Farquar: It's a really fun experience. You are the star and get to eat lots of free food, as people take care of all your accommodations.
Mitchell Wendland: Meeting 23 other people who share similar values in life and being around people who genuinely want to support everyone.
What are your tips for new applicants?
Kenny Ho: Be uniquely you! Everyone is different for a reason and I think being picked is a result of these interesting stories that people can bring and share to the entire country. I think that's just poetic!
Kimber Bernhard: Don't get so distracted by the competition [that you] miss out on the experience. Make friends with people outside of your own team. Support each other. Look at the view. Take photos.
Shasily Matowe: It is not only extremely physically demanding; but mentally, emotionally and spiritually challenging as well! I will forever be immensely grateful for all that I got to experience on CANUC! Can I sign up for season 3?
Julie Tower: What else [are] you going to do? Why would you not do this?! It's game time!
How should you prepare for the show?
Bradley Farquar: As soon as you get the call you're moving on, start training. You want to be in the best shape you can be. Also, once on the show, do not stop working out.
Quinton Maclean: I know I'm not alone in thinking it'd be mainly a physical test, they raised the bar on the mind games! Problem-solving, riddles, resilience. Loved it!
Whitney Beers: I expected the challenges to be easier and this was a huge wake-up call right out of the gate. Not only didn't I realize how difficult the challenges were going to be, I also realized how badass and tough these other competitors are!
Mitchell Wendland: Learn how to climb better, y'all really liked climbing things.
Sandrick Brisard-Cadet: It's really good to know which role to take on a team. Whether it's being a leader or supporting the leader of the team, executing the plan or just being a quiet force.
Zalie Tshuma: Be literally ready for everything and anything.
What did you learn on Canada's Ultimate Challenge?
Kenny Ho: I love being able to share my story and love being on the camera! But on a more serious tone, I took on a lot of wisdom (from being the youngest one) and got out of my shell more to be more unapologetically "Kenny!"
Kimber Bernhard: That I'm happy being just kinda average. I like my life and myself the way I am. I like challenging myself and improving every time I do something. But I don't need to be the best, and if I only get to choose one, then I choose fun over being the best. It's OK to be OK not being the best.
Whitney Beers: Getting to travel all over our beautiful country with no phones and truly soak in our beautiful country was priceless. Not only that but getting to meet all of the other contestants from all walks of life and learn about them was amazing and something I wouldn't trade for anything!
Julie Tower: So bloody fun! I want to do it again and again, I'm already begging to be cast again. 😂