Get inspired for your Family Feud Canada audition video
Family Feud auditions are OPEN

Family Feud Canada Season 2 isn't as far away as you might think, which means the search is on for families to join the new season's roster. Over the past while, some of us have been far from family, whereas others have been cooped up with their near and dear. But the one thing we have in common? Everyone has been trying to figure out creative ways to be together. Which is why now is the perfect time to perfect your family audition video.
If you believe that your family has a larger than life personality and the chops to let loose on camera, then grab your camera and get rolling! If you're looking for a place to start, here are some tips to help you nail your Family Feud Canada audition video!
Be creative!
We've seen so many fun and novel ways that families are getting creative together from home.
Do your family members have any special skills or hidden talents that are waiting to be showcased? Tiktok is a great platform full of incredible talent that is waiting to inspire you! Is your family coordinated enough to make a fun video together? Here are some creative examples of coordination and dedication!
Show us what makes your family special
Start off by introducing your family members, and a little bit about what makes you unique. Tell us your story! Talk a bit about what you do for a living, any hobbies or talents you all may have. We are looking for the most enthusiastic and energetic families to play each season, so be sure to bring all the energy to your audition that you would bring to game day. Do your best to show us why your family is the best choice to play the Feud. Here is a family putting their own spin on a classic!
Respect the distance
By now most of us have figured out how to video conference with our families, so why not incorporate your family into an audition video? Apps like Skype, Zoom and Google Hangouts are a great way to keep the distance while getting together. Get creative with the limitations like this video of a sweet little dancer and her grandfather having a socially distant dance-off!
Be fearless!
We are all in this together! Now more than ever, family is so important. Spread a little love and cheer and keep it light! Here's a few audition clips to help get your family in the mood for Feud!