SURVEY SAYS… These are the most popular Family Feud Canada clips from 2020
Believe it or not, the ‘Chiiickennn’ moment happened this year.

In a year that started with "Chiiickennn!" and ended with a confusing "Frozen Cat," 2020 has unofficially been the longest, most strangest year we've seen. Since we could all use a mental break, we've rounded up our most popular clips this year.
10. What kind of doctor should never ask you to get undressed?
To be fair, who even knows the names of every kind of doctor? But that didn't slow the Dubois family — they flew through this round!
And just to be clear, your dentist should definitely never ask you to get undressed.
9. The Dubois family tries to win Fast Money
Stephanie Dubois absolutely ripped through this Fast Money round with the most confidence we've seen in 2020! Here's hoping we can channel her can-do vibe for 2021.
8. First family to win Fast Money three times
Imagine winning Family Feud Canada with your family not just once, twice but THREE times. Back to back to back. This made the Fleets our most winningest family — winning $40,000 in total on their run.
7. What's a word people use when they don't want to cuss?
These days, the swear jar is getting a bit more use than ever before, don't you agree? This round is all about wholesome cuss words, and the Voskakis family knows a thing or two about anti-profanity.
6. You probably can't say *bleep*
The Bevilacqua family tried their best at winning the Fast Money round, but they missed it by only eight points.
We also wanted to mention that you are absolutely allowed to slouch at bars — once it's safe — especially after this year we've had. But you absolutely are not allowed to say **** on TV!
5. At a nudist gym, what exercise would make you feel self-conscious?
Do your best not to visualize each exercise in your mind during this round. We felt like every answer should have been the top answer for this one!
4. Thanksgiving food fight
Everyone needs a Marny on their team! You absolutely won't forget the Florence family after watching this round! They might just be our most colourful … and uh ... enthusiastic family we've seen in Season 2.
This one has to be one of our most random answers ever! Hakeem Bambata had his chance to shine at the podium, and in the heat of the moment blurted out "cat" in response to "What is a food that people eat frozen?"
Almost as great as his wacky answer, were the shocked glares from his loved ones. We bet he wishes the cat had gotten his tongue in this moment.
2. What do Prince Harry and Meghan Markle talk about before bed?
The Lawson and Euverman families went head-to-head in this all-about-royal-pillow-talk round.
Do you think that celebrities talk about us regular folk, too?
1. Popeye's favourite food is... Chicken?
Eve Dubois was asked to "Name Popeye's favourite food," to which she answered (mid shimmy-dance) "Chiiickennn!" This viral moment took over the internet and if you've had chicken this year, chances are you probably had 'chiiickennn.'