Heartland Season 14 production: The last week of September

As we roll into October, the past week seemed a little quiet when it came to Heartland production tweets but I did manage to sneak out a couple of behind-the-scenes photos from the first block of shooting for you. You may notice a couple of familiar names in the first one below, including Pierre Tremblay, who is directing and Jarrett Craig, the Director of Photography. Both have a long history on the show and you have likely seen their names pop up many times in the past.

It would be great to go deeper and tell you everything that has been going on behind-the-scenes and that WILL happen… when the season airs on CBC in the new year. "No spoilers", as they say. In the meantime, I can share some information here and there, and the cast and crew will continue to share updates on their social media accounts.
One sort of big thing did get shared on social media just yesterday and I'll tell you about a little later. First, let's talk about Twitter. Earlier this week, fans were asked what their favourite episode was (out of all 214!) and it's wonderful that your favourite episodes came from every season. The most frequent answer was "all of them". While I can't argue with that, there was a choice that many fans out there had in common and it focused in on a single episode: Season 8, episode 18, "Written in Stone". It was Amy and Ty's wedding, and some fans just kept coming back to it as their favourite episode in the show's history.
Today <a href="https://twitter.com/HeartlandOnCBC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@HeartlandOnCBC</a> asked us to choose only one favorite episode that we have out of the 215 , that’s so hard but one of the episodes I love is the beautiful wedding of Ty and Amy ❤️❤️ <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/iloveheartland?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#iloveheartland</a> <a href="https://t.co/RNkLUWrAyw">pic.twitter.com/RNkLUWrAyw</a>
The conversation somehow turned toward the time Prince Ahmed came onto the scene to really challenge Amy and Ty's loving bond. Of course, you all were quick to point out your distaste for the Fleming (and Borden) family's royal pain-in-the-butt but, honestly, how great was Jade Hassouné in the role?
From there, the tweets turned to guest stars and, when fans were asked to let us in on their favourite guest star on the series, there were many answers but, like the 'favourite episode' question, one kept coming up: Megan Follows. As you may know she played Ty's mom, Lily and has done some directing on the series. Remember when I mentioned that something big was shared on social media yesterday? Megan Follows herself posted some scenes at the racetrack that Heartland production has been shooting at to her Instagram story. What could be happening here? Just in case you missed it, it has been re-shared on our Instagram story and it's also been added to the "HLinProd" highlight reel for you.
Michelle Morgan also dropped some tidbits for you to think on, including this post on Instagram of her new office:
While not directly Heartland-related, Amber Marshall has been posting some beautiful Alberta fall landscape photos. What a beautiful area to be making this show in.
Shaun Johnston also shared this peaceful look at the "Jack Shack". I wish I could hang out here and get some sage advice from my favourite TV grandpa.
And that's all for today. Be sure to tag an official Heartland account on your favourite social channel if you want to get our attention. There have been some great fan edits and posts in the past couple of weeks and I'd love to shine a light on them. Until next time…