Tick... tick... tick...

Yes, I know you're patiently waiting for news on a new season of Heartland...
Well once again, I do not have any news for you one way or another, so unfortunately the wait continues.
Tick... tick... tick...
Meanwhile, I thought we could check in on some of the Heartland cast on social and see what they've been up to!
Unsurprisingly, Amber has been riding up a storm, and posting some beautiful pictures to boot!
Meanwhile, before earning herself a nomination for Best Lead performer in a web series at the Canadian Screen Awards, Michelle Morgan was posting some especially sunny selfies:
Over on Shaun Johnston's Instagram account, this past February we got an inside look at his home studio, featuring some familiar faces on the wall:
And finally Alisha Newton, also a fan of the selfie, found herself getting a little bit philosophical:
Thanks for reading the blog Heartlanders, and I'll be back next week.