A world in turmoil. Art to the rescue. Interrupt This Program Season 3 premieres Oct. 13
The new season brings you to Mexico City, Nairobi, Jakarta, Chicago, Karachi and Warsaw
As tensions rise around the world, International Emmy Award-nominated Interrupt This Program looks to the artists in cities that have experienced major traumas: natural disasters, long-term violence, political unrest or economic meltdown. In these cities under pressure, artists are fighting back. Each episode, three young determined local artists and one Canadian with deep roots in the community are committed to making art that elicits change, displays courage or protests against their city's political and societal status quo.
Watch Season 3 on Fridays at 8:30pm (9 NT) beginning October 13 in Mexico City, and catch up on the first two seasons now.

Season 3 takes place in cities all over a world in turmoil — Mexico City, Nairobi, Jakarta, Chicago, Karachi and Warsaw. This season taps into the zeitgeist of dissent in each country, with artists coming to the rescue, putting themselves at the forefront of this recent wave of resistance.
Season 3 pushes the standard definition of a conflict zone, turning a critical eye to Europe and North America. This season will also feature Canadian artists with direct roots in the featured cities, speaking to the diverse nature of our country and challenging preconceived notions of who is a Canadian.
Each city has its unique struggle, and artists are responding in their own ways: disrupting prevailing attitudes toward violence against women, expanding the space for free expression, using art to fight race and class inequalities and challenging commonplace definitions of artistic expression.
Art as political protest, as a means of survival, as an agent of change, as a display of courage and delight. Interrupt This Program explores art in cities under pressure. Interrupt This Program Season 3 premieres October 13 at 8:30pm. Catch up on the first two seasons now.