Seeding the Future: Students share original art and performances inspired by 21 Black Futures
The next generation of Black Canadian talent responds to the theatre anthology series

21 Black Futures, the new anthology series from Obsidian Theatre and CBC Arts, lays out a vision for the world to come. But here's the thing about the future: it's never-ending. So there's something kind of appropriate about what's going on with the program: it's already launched its own spin-off series.
Introducing Seeding the Future, an eclectic mix of art and performance inspired by the stories found in 21 Black Futures. To create this digital project, Obsidian Theatre and CBC Arts partnered with folks from two notable theatre programs (York University and Brock University), and a call was put out to Black Canadian students. Who would be up to the challenge of creating an original work inspired by the show?
Emerging talent from around the country answered the call, and between now and March 8, they'll be revealing their original submissions on social media. Seven new works will debut every Monday until then, and to enjoy them all in one place, we'll collect them here on the site.
Watch Seeding the Future and discover the next generation of Black Canadian talent.
Season 1
isi bhakhomen (@isi_bhakhomen) on The Death News
Teri Blades (@alexeri_97) on The Sender
Cassandra Henry ( on Beyere
Larissah Lashley (@larissahlashley) on Witness Shift
Caitlyn MacInnis (@caitlynmacinnis) on Sensitivity
Paris (Unlimited) Molokwu (@parisunltd) on Jah in the Ever-Expanding Song
Emily Radcliffe (@21blkfutures_emily) on Madness with Rocks
Season 2
Nia (Nini) Osei (@nini__o) on Georgeena
Dante Jemmott (@dantejemmott) on Rebirth of the Afronauts: A Black Space Odyssey
Doriane Irakoze (@dorianeira) on Umoja Corp.
Audny-Cashae Stewart (@audnycashae) on Emmett
Sid Malcolm (@sidmalcom_) on Notice
Kaelan Bain (@kaelanbain) on Blackberries
Hannah Yvonne Williams-Griffiths (@jene.cestquoi) on Special
Season 3
Soji Cole (@soji.cole) on Yen Ara Asaase Ni/This Is Our Own Native Land
Quinlan Green (@quinlan.green_) on The Prescription
Rhiannon Hoover (@rhiannonxhoover) on Omega Child
Megan Legesse (@megsventures) on Cavities
Marie-Jude Salomon (@sheismariejude) on Builders of Nations
Paul Smith (@freshprinceofstittsville) on 40 Parsecs and Some Fuel
Clara Val-Fils (@Cassinissimo) on Chronologie
"Je m’auto-déclare...Haïtiano-Canadienne"<br><br>My response to the episode"Chronologie" from 21 Black Futures, Season 3😃. <br><br>Song credits: Harmonick - Nickenson Prud'Homme <br><br> <a href="">#SeedingtheFuture</a> <a href="">#21BlackFutures</a>, <a href="">@ObsidianTheatre</a> and <a href="">@CBCArts</a>. <a href=""></a>
21 Black Futures is on CBC Gem. Watch now!