Kyo Maclear's favourite books of 2017 were Boundless and The Wound is a World

Happy holidays! CBC Books asked authors to share their favourite books of 2017. We will be publishing these recommendations throughout December.
Kyo Maclear chose Jillian Tamaki's Boundless and Billy-Ray Belcourt's This Wound is a World.
"Both Tamaki and Belcourt are whip-smart world builders, who understand shaky un-bordered feelings and who reject easy redemptive arcs, but somehow create work jolted with hope."
What graphic novelist Jillian Tamaki does to break out of a creativity rut
Billy-Ray Belcourt on writing an 'instruction manual for a queer Indigenous future'
Kyo Maclear is a novelist and author of children's books. Her book Birds Art Life was one of the five 2017 finalists for the $60,000 Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Nonfiction.