Callum Wratten
Callum Wratten is a Toronto-based writer whose work has appeared in McSweeney's, The Beaverton, and this very website.
Latest from Callum Wratten

Canada's citizenship process is a problematic piece of political theatre. Here's why I did it anyway
I found the whole process deeply troubling, from the questions on the citizenship test that disingenuously framed Canada's history, to having to swear allegiance to the Queen, writes Callum Wratten.
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Primetime TV Mad Libs
Ever wanted to be a powerful television producer but lack the Ivy League connections? In this latest edition of the classic party game Mad Libs, you get to create the next hit show. Just fill in the blanks and you will be the next Dick Wolf!

I'm running out of ways to debase myself for this crowdfunding campaign
After being rejected from every major film-funding body in the country, including the National Film Board and my grandma, I decided that I would self-finance my latest artistic endeavour.

TROUBLE IN PARADISE? Oprah has her own channel and she still won't give Stedman a show about model trains
Apparently the rock-solid foundation that television mogul and cultural icon Oprah Winfrey and author, but mainly Oprah’s partner, Stedman Graham, built their relationship on is beginning to show a few cracks.