Inspiring! This guy's GoFundMe page is titled 'I'd Like To Have More Money For Cool Stuff I See In Stores'

NAME: Brendan Giller
Hello friends and family!
As most of you know, I'm doing pretty good in life. I've got a sweet job running the water-slides at Canada's Wonderland and in the winter I do some kind of filing thing for my dad's law place!
I can totally afford my rent, clothes, and taking nice girls to different Olive Gardens. But sometimes I see cool stuff in stores or whatever and I'm like, hmmmm, I really want that Sony Playstation, or heyyyy, I like the looks of those eggplant emoji cufflinks. But then, you guys, get THIS: I don't always buy the stuff because of how my hydro bill is due this week!! You know what I mean? It's called Being An Adult, look it up.
Basically, when it comes right down to it, I'd like just like to have maybe a lot more money so I can buy cool, random stuff I see in stores. However, I don't really want to work any more than I already do, because "Life is Too Short" to spend it chained to The Man, am I right!! I'm the kind of guy where I want more stuff but I don't want to like, have to do anything to get it. That's where you come in.
Your generosity will help me transform from a guy who has a regular shower curtain into a guy who has an Entourage shower curtain. These things might seem like they're not important but it's like Coco Chanel and Gandhi both said: "When you look good on the outside, you feel good also on the inside part of yourself."
Those of you who know me know that I'll only ever spend your hard-earned dollars on the dopest shit: 2002's Blue Crush on DVD (huge film buff over here!!) or Nike Air Maxes in Charcoal, or like this hilarious corkscrew that's a duck with an umbrella. Oh my god you guys gotta see this.
Thank you so much for your support!!!
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