Instead of breaking up, my boyfriend and I made a list of 450,000 celebrities we're allowed to sleep with

I think this is for the best, and our relationship will be stronger than ever.
My boyfriend Jacob and I have been together for three years. Lately, however, we've started to experience increasing difficulties and frustrations in our relationship. We've always had minor disagreements like any couple, but they've become more frequent of late, and we've both noticed more tension than usual.
I think we're both wondering if we jumped into this commitment too soon, too young, and are maybe wondering what else is "out there." And yet we still care about each other, and believe in the value and the future of this partnership we've created.
That's why we've decided to expand our special "freebie list" of five celebrities we are allowed to sleep with if we ever run into them, to create a bit more breathing room in a relationship that has become a little—let's face it—claustrophobic.
By multiplying the original number on our lists by 90,000 (to start), I think we will both feel loyal and still close to each other, while also having select moments when we can indulge in a respectful digression from our relationship.
There have been some disagreements along the way, of course, as we redefined the concept of a "celebrity," but that's all part of the process of becoming a stronger couple.
For instance, Jacob couldn't understand how the lifeguard at my gym's pool is a celebrity. Um, he's at the smoothie bar almost every day. What's a more glamorous Hollywood activity than that?
For my part, I couldn't see how the woman who takes tickets at the movie theatre is a celebrity. Jacob pointed out that a movie theatre is very closely associated with celebrity, and I can't argue with that.
Since those initial disagreements, we haven't put up much of a fight, loosening the definition of celebrity to mean "someone you've seen a lot," which is broad enough to include Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lawrence, my friend Carol's older brother, and the girl who does that human statue thing in the downtown square (even though I'm honestly not sure what he sees in her – she's not even that good at it, I see her move accidentally all the time!).
Jacob and I are both extremely confident that this will be benefit our relationship, and make it better than ever. And I'm sure we'll find out if that has happened when we next see each other.
Hopefully that will be next month sometime. Or maybe the month after, I'm not sure. We've got a lot of dates lined up with celebrities in the meantime. It's that kind of wacky, fanciful open-mindedness that makes any couple closer in the end.
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