QUIZ: Do you deserve to have B added to any of these multiple choice options?

There's nothing like a multiple choice test. Sometimes the answer is B. Let's find out whether you deserve to have B added as a possible answer in this particular quiz.
Do you feel you deserve to have B added as a possible answer? Interesting. Why do you feel that way?
A) Well, I just like to click that one sometimes.
C) Sometimes B is the right answer. When that's the case, I can't click on the right answer if B isn't there.
D) It's just part of the alphabet?
E) All of the a ove.
What would you do if we added B as an option? (We're not saying we ever would.)
A) Circle it for every question.
C) Circle it when appropriate.
E) Look at that, we just took away D now too. And yet you think we'd possibly give you B??
What if we gave you every letter option except for B? What great, amazing, wonderful thing would you do with B that you can't do with A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z?
A) Just give me a chance and I'll show you
C) Just kidding there's no B.
D) What's that? You say there was a B?
E) Because you could have still chosen the empty B?
F) That's right.
G) That's because we did finally you give you the B.
H) And you deserved it ;) Well done.
Seriously, well done.
B) Well done.
B) Well done.
B) Well done.
B) Well done.
B) All of the aBove.
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