Relationships according to the Baroness von Sketch Show

The Baronesses take a jab at matters of the heart like no other relationship expert or love guru in these sketches on love and lust. Toxic, healthy, the in-between relationships, breakups and exes add more zing to our existence in these not-so-simple times. And don't forget, you can watch every episode of the Baroness von Sketch Show streaming now on CBC Gem.
Watch out for the red flags while brooding on the moors!
Breakups are hard. Coping with one could make you a fitness freak, get inked in the most bizarre spots on your body and in some cases may even make you go full craft!
Feminist Foot Conference
Together; yet not in sync?
Not sisters
Yes. They share the same last name, living space, bed and everything else in between.
Chore porn
When domestication hits the right spot, you know your relationship has achieved nirvana!
Ever felt like sending that overachieving ex straight into the black hole?
Cat people
When your cat plays the catalyst to your underlying relationship issues, you may see yourself acknowledging reality.