The 10 worst movie sequels of all time
These days it seems that just about every film is a sequel, reboot, or adaptation. It's saying something, then, that most of the worst sequels in history were made years ago. Here are some of the universally agreed-upon worst and most unnecessary sequels of all time, along with their infamous taglines.
Casablanca Returns: Here's Looking At Two, Kid
Alternate American tagline: This Could Be The Beginning of a Beautiful Franchise
Gone With the Wind 2: Franklier Than Ever

Death of a Salesman II: This Time It's Salespersonal
Apocalypse Now And Forever!: The Horror, Some More-or

Citizen Kane Part 2: More Rosebud And It Shows, Bud
What Are You Afraid Of Virginia Woolf Four???

The Godfather Part 3: Yep, Just The One They Already Made
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