Your horoscope for the week ahead: Expect clarity on the path to your dreams as Pluto goes direct
If something’s been stopping the right kind of future from presenting itself, you’ll finally be able to see it

Pluto's change of direction is this week's most important astrological influence. He's been moving retrograde since April. The Lord of the Underworld was known as Hades in ancient Greece. He ruled the Underworld where the spirits of the dead resided. That does not make for a cheerful resumé, but there are other aspects to his character that are more uplifting.
For example, Pluto's positive influence endows the recipient with perspicacity. Another good thing about him is his protective quality. When you possess a positive outlook, Pluto will watch over you and protect you against aggressors. It's like having your own karmic bodyguard.
As this week gets underway, Pluto returns to direct motion. On Friday, meets up in a caustic square alignment with Mars. For you, on a personal basis, this is all good. Pluto will help you see through lies and deception in your search for truth, no matter how thick the fog of obfuscation.
Look east about 90 minutes before sunrise to see the scintillating light of lovely Venus, known as Aphrodite in ancient Greece. Venus will pass close by the very important star, Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, in the constellation Leo. If, somewhere in your life, something has been stopping the right kind of future from presenting itself, now, at last, there will be a way in which it can fully enter your world.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, October 5, 2020.
You have been too inclined to hang on to the memory of an experience that made a big mark on you in the past. That was then, this is now. Avoid indulging in anger, frustration and irritation. These are all negative emotions. Stay positive and you will enter a new reality filled with inspiring visions that will lift your heart with joy and inspire your mind with wonder. Pluto's influence will make you cut to the chase and see what is really happening. In every way possible, the stars are lining up fortuitous encounters and heartening developments. Your world is changing fast in the best possible way.
You are now on an upward climb towards the summit of your dreams. What guarantees your success is the way you find strength even when all seems dark and dismal. There's an extra reserve tank that kicks in whenever you need it. Pluto's influence will show you how to dig deep and find diamonds amongst the dross. Do your best to relax and you'll see that there are more possibilities available than meets the eye. There is positive promise for your future well-being. Yes, there most certainly is.
The ability to recognize imperfection is an asset only if it is accompanied by the willingness to rectify the problem. One of your most valuable assets is your propensity to adapt and find solutions. Feeling obliged to abide by old, antiquated rules and traditions is not a good policy in the current climate of unpredictability. Changing your mind is perfectly acceptable and should never be considered a sign of weakness. Pluto's influence is providing you with x-ray vision. You can see through phoney facades and understand what is happening under the surface. Times change as do circumstances, so be prepared to change with them.
Your affable character belies the existence of a warrior ready for battle. Some people get the erroneous impression from your pleasant nature that you easily back down from confrontation. Let it be known that you are perfectly capable of standing up for yourself. Right now, though, you really might as well sit down. There is no great struggle to embark on or quest to undertake. You merely need to maintain the status quo. In a spot where life has not been living up to expectation, you will encounter a source of joy. Pluto is steering you in a most unconscious and mysterious way to a new era of absolute happiness.
Your difficulties are steering you in a most mysterious way to a new era of happiness. In a strange way, Pluto's determined nature is guiding you towards healing an old grief. A tough cycle of difficulties will not continue. Your spirits soon will grow wings and lift you up to a high emotional state. The change you seek can no longer be held at bay. A source of joy will appear quite unexpectedly at a time when you could use a lift. There is a way to get what you want and still fulfil a pressing obligation. You can soon take a significant step towards the more fulfilling lifestyle you desire.
You are beginning to wonder why on earth you even bother to continue doing something that feels more like a sense of duty. We all tend to stubbornly resist change only to discover in time, that the change we abhorred led us to something quite wonderful. As far as you are concerned, challenges bring out the best in you. Do resist punishing yourself with a negative interpretation of a recent development. Much to your surprise it is good, for it is leading you to a timely triumph. Pluto's influence is giving you more power than you realize and more influence than you know.
Numerous alternative viewpoints need to be considered in regard to a particular saga. It is possible, though, that you are talking to too many people. It's all become rather confusing to the point that it's causing you to reconsider a decision. If you feel a need to change your mind, that's perfectly acceptable. It is your prerogative. You have more power than you realize and more influence than you know. Pluto is suggesting that you need to be more single-minded and not worry about what other people think. You are entitled to enjoy happiness on your terms without feeling guilty.
Responsibilities and practical considerations have a way of derailing our connection to the creative source and our life's true mission. It's of paramount importance to be in constant touch with that core center. Pluto's influence will compel you to intensify your effort to understand the purpose of your existence. You are on the brink of making a major discovery it. The Universe is providing the energetic impetus needed to create the future of your dreams. You're soon going to swell with new hope. Put your heart at ease and let the celestial current sweep you towards your true path.
Unpleasant memories have a way of dominating our thought stream for months, years, even decades. You too are having trouble freeing yourself from a past event that has locked a piece of your heart in an emotional dungeon. Pluto's influence will reveal the source of this pain and set you free. You will have an opportunity to see deeply into your own center. Old wounds will heal. A locked door will open and set you free to fulfil your true mission in this lifetime.
You have a series of unexpected pleasant surprises awaiting you once you make a crucial discovery about a problematic emotional issue that has been blocking progress. At least one, if not more, of your most heartfelt dreams will begin to manifest. You will successfully launch your initiatives and execute your strategies. Pluto will pry open the cellar door and reveal some debilitating emotions that have held you back. This discovery will empower you with hope, fire up your enthusiasm and give you the confidence to carve out the future of your dreams. A rare and most fortuitous celestial canopy is showering you with blessings.
Pluto's influence this week will begin a process that will rekindle your childhood belief in miracles. Life has a way of wearing down our youthful ability to visualize wonderful outcomes. Creative and benevolent celestial forces have been alerted to your plight. They will enhance your charm, persuasive powers and charismatic personality. Your heart will come alive and fill you with confidence and hope. It will make a nice change to be the recipient of propitious events rather than disappointments and disillusionment. You are in the process of tapping into your inner source of power.
Earth is a beautiful place despite all the negativity that we see. It sometimes takes quite an effort to keep our head up, but if you make a determined effort to look for the positives, your life will fill with wonderment. Pluto will reveal how unfounded doubts and fears have been holding you back. You will soon find yourself basking in the warm light of a friendly Universe. You are well-positioned to reap the benefits of some exceptional celestial opportunities. All those hard lessons of the past will finally pay off in a big way. A convergence of rare, positive astrological factors is guiding you towards the manifestation of your dreams.