Your horoscope for the week ahead: The Full Harvest Moon will lift your spirits and bring positive change
Patience and an optimistic attitude will work wonders this week

This week brings a big powerful Full Moon on Thursday. It will be the first of two this month. The second one, a Blue Moon, falls on October 31. When two Full Moons occur in the same month, the second one is referred to as a Blue Moon.
This week's Full Moon in the fiery cardinal sign of Aries will fuel your willpower and energize your spirits. It's a Harvest Moon because of its close proximity to the Fall Equinox. If your spirits are down, this will pick you up in a big way. It's just the tonic you need to enact the change you crave in your life.
The two-month Mars retrograde continues. Our Hercules of the solar system will carry on in his backward motion in Aries through to Friday, November 13. Use all this Aries energy constructively. It's not often we get this kind of help
This big news this week is the end of Saturn's retrograde cycle on Tuesday. The sober energy of the Timekeeper is on his way for a big meeting with Jupiter on December 21. Pluto is in the mix too, adding gravitas to this astrological configuration.
Saturn gets a lot of press as a challenging energy, but if used wisely he is a constructive influence that keeps us honest. He shows us how to achieve success by working toward our goals step by step. Saturn will square retrograding Mars on the same day he resumes direct motion. Be patient. It will bring some delays and obstacles. An optimistic attitude will work wonders.
Your patience and humour will be rewarded by Venus forming an auspicious trine to Mars on the very same day as all of the above. The Venus-Mars connection is extremely auspicious. You can't ask for much better than this.
Then on Friday, Venus moves into the healing sign of Virgo. Our attention will be drawn towards nature. If possible, get thee to a leafy park with lots of trees. Plenty of walks will heal your mind, body and soul. Breathe in the fresh air. It will do you a world of good. Your sleep will bring profound dreams.
The week ends with the Pluto retrograde ending on Sunday, October 4. Pluto, like Saturn, gets a lot of bad press, but on a personal level he's your personal bodyguard. He defends and protects you. This is a week of making a lot of positive preparations. Big change in the way you lead your life is on the way. You have every chance in the world of managing to make it happen. You'll soon be grinning from ear to ear.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, September 28, 2020.
One part of you is now raring to go. Another is not so sure. These mutually exclusive urges must be reconciled in some way. Saturn's shift into direct motion has started rolling you forward. There's no stopping you now. The old way is no longer the status quo. So, say goodbye to the stale and jaded aspects of your old life and embrace with alacrity the change for which you are yearning. The stars are working in unconscious ways in their quest to help you achieve one of your most cherished dreams. A way is presenting itself you won't be able to resist. You will never look back and pine for the past.
You know that you don't know everything. Nobody does. Anyone who thinks they are omniscient is deluding themselves. Be proud of your ability to be humble. You are unique in every way imaginable. It can make life difficult at times, but you cope with difficulties very well. Whether you know it or not, you are skilled at tapping into a deep intuitive source within your being. Saturn's influence is guiding you with a steady hand on the tiller towards a panacea for your ills. The key to your success is your ability to be truly thankful for what you've got. There will soon be good cause for celebration.
There are options and alternatives open to you now. As a Gemini, you enjoy all the mental work involved. You have a busy and complex mind. So, with Saturn changing direction, you'll be weighing up pros, cons, permutations and possibilities. You've got some valid and worthwhile points that should be recognized and acknowledged by certain people. Getting yourself heard over the din of this noisy world is no easy task. Being direct and honest about what you think doesn't mean you are pushy. Your currently enhanced magnetic charm will help persuade even the most obdurate of listeners.
It's a challenge to analyse and digest the change that is happening around you. Circumstances are pressuring you to make decisions that are impossible to make. It has all thoroughly tested your mettle and your wits. Saturn's change of direction indicates that the worst is behind you. Improvement will bless a tense situation. As you learn to trust the source that is guiding you, everything will work in a remarkably good way. All you have to do is listen to your intuition. There is little point in stressing yourself out by striving too hard. A practical form of support will come and bring great cheer.
None of us is perfect or so we are regularly reminded. It must be said that Leos are pretty close. Ha! Some may argue against that premise but then, what do they know? You have all the essential characteristics required to succeed such as courage, intelligence and luck. The rest of us mere mortals with whom you are obliged to rub shoulders do our best to emulate you. Saturn's influence this week will get you closer to perfection than many people ever dream of getting. There is something you must do that will be of great assistance to your friends. Your input will have a dramatic and powerful impact.
It's not that you are smarter than you have been in the past, more that you are currently finding it easier to focus your thoughts. It's been really hard to concentrate for quite some time. Now, you have a clear picture of what you need to accomplish. Saturn's change of direction will impress upon you that there is nothing to be gained from letting emotions cloud your judgment. You feel strongly about a key issue, but you must maintain a practical, logical and businesslike approach. Moods are best ignored. With the application of common sense, the sooner you'll get what you want.
You are in the process of wrestling with a dilemma. There is something you want, yet you do not feel entitled to ask for it. Is it beyond your abilities? You'd like to ask for it anyway, just to see if you can do it. Don't underestimate your potential. Go ahead and indulge your ambition. It's virtually impossible to turn back this process. It's already started to take root. Saturn's influence will keep your feet on the ground. As a stormy celestial canopy enters a period of tranquillity for you personally, you'll begin to feel far stronger and more optimistic. What you are attempting to do is difficult, but it will prove to be easier than expected.
Achieving the kind of dream that's on your wish list is a rather daunting proposal that will require the adoption of new habits and the elimination of old routines. Don't be intimidated by your goal. It will prove far easier than you think. All you need is a little heavenly assistance. You've got it. The Universe is eager to deliver the rewards you so richly deserve. Saturn's influence is backing you up with concrete support. The most crucial thing you need to remember now is that a pragmatic approach will make this a most productive week. Reach for your dreams. Set a courageous process in motion.
The greater your problems, the greater will be your joy when they finally get resolved. A challenge you are dealing with is doing you a world of good by preventing you from sinking into complacency. Saturn's influence now will help you stop worrying and start thinking clearly. The psychological freedom that you are yearning for is imminent. You will fully escape what hitherto felt like an impossible burden. The passion of your heart is fully capable of working miracles.
There is something you have long wanted to do, but you fear your chances of success are receding. You are having doubts because it may require a degree of upheaval which you are unwilling to face. Saturn's return to direct motion will reveal a much simpler way of reaching your objective than is currently apparent. As long as you are prepared to be practical, pragmatic and realistic, you'll be fine. Try to not worry. Get your mind off your concerns and work on nurturing a mental outlook of confidence. Everything will fall nicely and effortlessly into place. The stars will do all the heavy lifting for you.
Other people seem much more easily able to accept mediocrity. They will settle for second best with a smile on their face. They will even allow themselves to get talked into an endless number of bad ideas. Even worse they will pat themselves on the back for being clever. But you have an exceptional ability to recognize imperfection – sometimes too much so, but Saturn's influence this week will bestow you with the ability to make incisive observations and judicious conclusions. You have a chance now to put some constructive energy into righting a wrong. With a wave of your magic wand, your problems will be solved.
A certain someone is trying to force a very sensitive issue. You cannot, of course, allow this to go unchallenged. You don't like to lie in order to disentangle yourself from uncomfortable situations, unwanted conversations or annoying meetings. Everything is going to work out just fine with application of your willpower. Your wishes will prevail. Saturn's return to direct motion will remind you that where there is a will, there is a way. Stay focused on your vision of what you want and you will find a much simpler way of reaching your objectives than is currently apparent.