Ana Vanessa Herrero
Ana Vanessa Herrero is an award-winning photographer and freelance writer based in Caracas, Venezuela.
Latest from Ana Vanessa Herrero

Venezuela spiralling into chaos amid looting, militarized police
After the deadliest day in weeks of anti-government protest and looting, tensions remain high in Venezuela as state police departments are put under National Guard control.
World |

'I know it's not right, but I need to survive': Venezuela's black marketeers gouge residents on necessities
Venezuela's economic train wreck has opened the door to a new way of making money. Meet a former lawyer who has joined the black market.
World |

'We survive thanks to the mercy of God': Inside a Venezuelan hospital during the food crisis
There have been more than 3,000 protests in Venezuela so far this year, and the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict says more than a quarter of them had to do with the food crisis. The fed-up and hungry crowds have a simple message: "We want food!" Ana Vanessa Herrero checks out the impact inside a major hospital in the capital.
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