Anand Ram and Adrienne Arsenault
The National
Latest from Anand Ram and Adrienne Arsenault

Cannabis growers get creative to ease power demands of pot
Commercial cannabis producers are trying to drive costs down, and that's sparking a market for scientific and engineering ideas to soften the huge electricity demands of producing pot. It's delivering some interesting spin-off benefits, too.
Science |

Spying without spies: Why it's so tricky to figure out what North Korea is up to
North Korea is one of the hardest countries in the world to gather intelligence on, but analysts piece together tiny clues to build a picture of the state of the nation's weapons programs.
The National |

Plans to rebuild Syria could be recipe for another war
Syria's government is promoting what it bills as a beautiful future for Damascus, but critics see it as a future engineered to force out dissent, paid for by wealthy foreign allies and contracted out to regime-friendly businesses.
The National |