Christine Hennebury
Christine Hennebury is a writer and creative coach in St. John's.
Latest from Christine Hennebury

Stuff not getting done? Struggling to finish your plans? Here's what you need to know
Isn't it funny how we question ourselves about why we did or didn't do the things we set out to do, but we hardly ever ask ourselves about how? Contributor Christine Hennebury has advice on conquering the
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Point of View
Was 2020 a writeoff? Not entirely. Here's why we need to celebrate ordinary things
Yes, there are parts of the year you will want to forget. But as Christine Hennebury writes, it's important to look at the bright spots and to reflect on what they provided.
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Point of View
Stuck in a rut of procrastination? It's time to get more specific with what you need to do
Do find yourself dreading a certain task, or finding ways to delay it? Christine Hennebury writes that often happens when when we haven't been specific about what it is, or how and when we are going to do it.
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Point of View
Keeping all the balls in the air, most of the the time: Practical life advice from a juggler
While many of us joke about juggling the various aspects of our lives, very few of us are literally keeping things aloft.
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One step at a time: How this dancer can help you find a good rhythm in your life
Can't dance? No worries. Meet a teacher who shows her students how to find the joy in movement. From her lessons are practical skills that can help with everyday life, writes Christine Hennebury.
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Point of View
Here's how a daily challenge can help you find the calm in strange times
When things around you are unsettled, look for an opportunity to be creative — every day. As Christine Hennebury writes, it brings focus and creates mental space, too.
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Point of View
Stressed about trying to be Shakespeare? Channel your inner Homer Simpson
Feeling pressure to take on a huge project or do something meaningful during the pandemic? Don't fret, writes contributor Christine Hennebury. Find your bliss somewhere else, like on the couch.
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Point of View
Storytelling is not just entertainment. It's a fundamental part of being human
You are not alone, writes Christine Hennebury. Telling stories helps build community when we need it most
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Perfect ingredients: Use this baker's approach to make your life more delicious
Baking lets Billie-jo Picco focus on a single project, put all of her skills to good use, and take some time to fully concentrate.
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Point of View
Dare to not compare: Ignore those end-of-decade lists and measure things for yourself
December and January are filled with posts and articles encouraging us to reflect on the current year and to plan for the year ahead. This is supposed to inspire us to set goals and resolutions and make all kinds of changes in our lives.
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