Doug Cuthand
Doug Cuthand is an Indigenous affairs columnist, freelance journalist and filmmaker who lives in Saskatoon. He is a member of the Little Pine First Nation, Sask.
Latest from Doug Cuthand

The Sask. Party is now the province's natural governing party
This should not have come as a surprise. Saskatchewan has been moving to the right for some time now.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

1 year after the Gerald Stanley verdict, fear continues to divide us
Feb. 9, 2018 was Saskatchewan at its ugliest, writes Doug Cuthand. The intervening year has been difficult as there has been little action to improve justice for Indigenous people.
Indigenous |

Importance of Indigenous Peoples March got overshadowed by 'the face of white privilege'
The Indigenous Peoples March in Washington was a major event to bring attention to the injustice that Indigenous Peoples face across the globe, writes Doug Cuthand. Instead the face of white privilege dominated the headlines.
Indigenous |

Negative news overshadowed a strong year of reconciliation for Indigenous people
To assess the progress or lack of it for Indigenous people in 2018 you must go back and look at a few events in isolation.
Canada -Saskatoon |

'This is not gouging but simply parity': Crooked Lake lease increases a fair move by Sakimay First Nation
"The cottage owners have no choice but to accept the new reality and realize that times have changed."
Canada -Saskatchewan |

No good fixing justice system unless racism in Sask. is tackled, too
The death of Colten Boushie has become a watershed event and we can only hope that things change from legal and societal perspective.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Indigenous warriors find a new weapon: the cellphone
Kamao Cappo, an Indigenous man, was thrown out of a Canadian Tire store in Regina last month after being accused of theft. We've heard this story over and over again, but something was different this time: Cellphone footage that Cappo himself took showed the accusation was unjustified.
Opinion |

'It's kind of late to complain about immigration,' says Indigenous writer Doug Cuthand
I find it peculiar to see Indigenous people talk about immigration. On one hand it could be traced to the source of many of our woes and on the other it could be an important part of our future success.
Indigenous |

Colten Boushie was killed and everything changed
Up until a week ago I was having a pretty good summer. The inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women was off to a good start, people were talking about reconciliation and the Olympics were sending out good vibes. Then Colten Boushie was killed and everything changed.
Indigenous |

This week the people of La Loche will bury part of their future
The tragedy at La Loche has spread across Canada and Indian country. The shock of a young man lashing out at his community, allegedly killing four and seriously wounding seven, strikes deep into our collective conscience.
Indigenous |