Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber
Moscow correspondent
Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber is a Canadian journalist who lives in Russia and writes for the English-language Moscow Times.
Latest from Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber

Russian high jumper Danil Lysenko points finger at officials for doping suspension
High jumper Danil Lysenko, suspended for anti-doping violations in a case that rattled Russian sport, has admitted guilt for his offences but said he blames the athletics federation for a plan to forge documents to try to evade punishment.
Sports -Olympics -Summer Sports -Track and Field |

Ordinary Russians back Putin, Kremlin's view of Malaysia Airlines MH17 tragedy
Most Russians look to be backing the Kremlin's view of who shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber reports from Moscow. That's perhaps no surprise given what the state-controlled media is saying.
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Ukraine crisis takes anti-West sentiment to streets of Moscow
Does he even want to? Despite the international agreement to de-escalate tensions over Ukraine, anti-Western sentiment seems to be growing on the streets of Moscow.
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'Just like the West.' Russia defends its propaganda war over Ukraine
In the tug-of-war over the fate of Ukraine, Russian media have been instrumental in painting a portrait of the conflict that suits the Kremlin's purposes. Western media, Russia contends, are doing exactly the same
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Russians catch Olympic fever, but attending Sochi Games still costly
Vladimir Putin's "accessible" Olympics will sport some of the lowest ticket prices on record. But travelling to far-off Sochi is still a big barrier for most Russians.
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Volgograd's twin bombings rekindle Russia's terror fears
President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly assured the world that his Russia is safe from terror attacks, even in the restless Caucasus. But it didn't take this week's twin bombings in Volgograd for ordinary Russians to know their daily commute is always a bit risky.
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