John Otis
John Otis is a U.S. journalist who reports from South America. He is the author of the 2010 book Law of the Jungle about Colombia's guerrilla war.
Latest from John Otis

Amid fresh protests, Venezuela's opposition urges military to rise up against Maduro
Opposition leaders are urging Venezuela's powerful armed forces to withdraw their support for embattled President Nicolas Maduro. And they are taking their campaign abroad by lobbying foreign governments to cut diplomatic and economic ties with Caracas.
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Peace offering from Maduro comes amid plans to rewrite Venezuela's constitution
President Nicolas Maduro may be making a peace offering by releasing Venezuela's opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, but he is forging ahead with plans to rewrite the nation's constitution in a way that could cement his hold on power.
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As Venezuela's high court backtracks on power grab, is it still a de facto dictatorship?
Venezuela's highest court ruled to effectively shut down the country’s congress earlier this week, leaving President Nicolas Maduro's party in complete control.After a reversal of that decision, is the international community still worried that democracy has collapsed in Venezuela?
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Venezuela government 'terrified' of calling election
Amid a severe economic crisis, opinion polls show that support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his party is collapsing. In response, electoral authorities have shelved or delayed elections large and small.
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Delays, tricky logistics hamper peace process in Colombia
Under a treaty signed last year, about 7,000 battle-hardened rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, have agreed to disarm by May 31, but along the way, there have been numerous glitches and embarrassments for the government.
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'This is a mockery': Venezuela's poor hit hardest by currency chaos
Venezuela’s leaders are not widely regarded as economic wise men. Indeed, their latest stroke — based in part on a bizarre conspiracy theory — was to outlaw most of the nation’s cash before getting around to introducing new banknotes.
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Cuba's dictator was Colombia's peacemaker: How Fidel Castro helped end conflict with FARC
In the same week that Fidel Castro's ashes made their final journey across Cuba, Colombia's congress approved a peace deal with FARC rebels — a goal the dictator had encouraged for 20 years.
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Colombians get 2nd chance at peace with new, revised treaty
Unlike Americans stuck with president-elect Donald Trump or British voters second-guessing their exit from the European Union, Colombians — who shocked the world by rejecting a treaty to end a 52-year-old guerrilla war — will get a do-over.
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Venezuela talks called 'best' hope to solve impasse over President Maduro
Opposition leaders have temporarily halted their campaign of street marches and legislative action to force out Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and are giving Vatican-mediated talks a chance. Yet the decision has angered some activists who fear Maduro’s true goal in the negotiations is to derail the protest movement.
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Venezuela's political rivals agree to hold talks amid escalating tensions
Venezuela's embattled socialist government and the opposition will start talks this weekend in a bid to head off an escalating political standoff sparked by the suspension of a recall referendum aimed at removing Nicolas Maduro, the nation’s deeply unpopular president.
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