Maureen Brosnahan
National reporter with CBC Radio
Maureen is a veteran national reporter for CBC Radio. She joined CBC in Winnipeg and was appointed national reporter in 1991. She has since been the correspondent for national Radio News in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador. She is now based in Toronto. She has won numerous awards for her work at CBC covering health and social policy issues.
Latest from Maureen Brosnahan
Women leaving criminal law practice in alarming numbers
Women are quitting the practice of criminal law at a significantly higher rate than men, according to a new report by the Criminal Lawyers' Association.
Canada |
Syrian boy seeking refugee status ordered deported to United States
A 16-year-old Syrian boy who arrived at the border at Fort Erie, Ont., claiming refugee status last month has been ordered deported, as by law, Canada no longer accepts refugees who come through the U.S.
Canada -Toronto |

Deported Roma refugee family receives permission to return to Canada
Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Minister John McCallum has granted special permission allowing a Roma family deported to Hungary to return to Canada.
Canada -Toronto |

Deported Roma have little chance of return despite disciplinary rulings against their lawyers
Refugee advocates are trying to reopen the cases of hundreds of Roma families who were denied refugee status in Canada after being bilked by lawyers, some of whom were later disbarred. But those who have already been deported have little chance of having their cases reviewed.
Canada |

Refugee housing challenges 'not insurmountable,' say those working to house Syrians
Shifting government-sponsored Syrian refugees to private sponsors who are able to house them immediately is one way the federal government is trying to ease a backlog that has left refugees lingering in hotels while settlement agencies struggle to find housing in tight real estate markets.
Canada |

Pets provide insights that can improve patient care
Health professionals who ask patients about their pets gain important information that can lead to better care for those people, new research shows.
Health |
Kingston's cows are closer to coming home to prison
Long-time supporters of a federal prison farm program in Kingston, Ont., are looking to re-establish it five years after the Harper government shut it down.
Canada |
4 nuns keep Greek Orthodox convent going with help of beeswax, baking and beauty products
A mere 50 km north of the sprawling Greater Toronto Area lies a small Greek Orthodox convent that runs on the devotion and elbow grease of just four nuns, who keep it going with a cottage industry that turns out beeswax candles, baked goods and custom-sewn vestments.
Canada -Toronto |

Elizabeth Fry Societies denied standing at Sask. inquiry into aboriginal woman's death
A Saskatchewan coroner has refused to allow the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies to participate in the upcoming inquest into the death of Kinew James, an aboriginal woman who died in a federal prison hospital in Saskatoon.
Canada |

2 Muslim inmates file rights complaints against Alberta prison
Two Muslim inmates have filed complaints with the Canadian Human Rights Commission over their treatment at Grande Cache Institution, a federal prison in northwestern Alberta.
Canada |