Menaka Raman-Wilms
Menaka Raman-Wilms writes about the environment, politics and social issues. She's also a 2020 CBC Joan Donaldson scholar.
Latest from Menaka Raman-Wilms

Why some environmentalists are pushing for an end to plastic tampon applicators
Plastic tampon applicators, which don't easily degrade, are frequently found in shoreline cleanups across Canada. Why are they ending up on beaches in the first place?
Science |
No idea when full Rideau Canal Skateway can open
The entire length of the Rideau Canal Skateway hasn't opened yet this year and the NCC says it will be at least another week until that's possible.
Canada -Ottawa |

2019 saw a record number of women elected — but gender equity in the Commons is still far off
In 2019, Canadians sent more women to the House of Commons than ever before. But the 98 women elected as MPs occupy just 29 per cent of the seats in the chamber — meaning the House of Commons still doesn't reflect the electorate it was chosen to serve.
Politics |
Ottawa ridings among few with all-female ballots
Two Ottawa ridings are among only a handful in the country where women have been nominated by all four major national political parties in the upcoming federal election.
Canada -Ottawa |

Opposition to oil sponsorships in the arts spreads in London
Art and cultural institutions in London are facing growing pressure to lose their sponsorship deals with oil and gas company BP.
Entertainment |
British man joins wife on hunger strike, but he's in London and she's in an Iranian prison
A British man has gone on a hunger strike outside the Iranian Embassy in London to support his wife, who is on a hunger strike in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison.
World |