Rita Celli
Rita Celli is host of radio phone-in show Ontario Today. She won the 2014 Michener-Deacon Fellowship for investigative journalism, using her time to investigate Canada's diamond industry and mining royalties.
Latest from Rita Celli

Dozens of child sex dolls seized by Canadian border agents
Canadian border officers have intercepted dozens of sex dolls with child-like size and features, an emerging pattern child welfare advocates fear could fuel more exploitation of real children.
Politics |

Ottawa doctors' high-risk MS treatment yields 'impressive' results, Lancet finds
New Canadian research led by two Ottawa doctors and published in The Lancet medical journal on Thursday suggests a high-risk therapy may stop multiple sclerosis from progressing, and even reverse the disease.
Canada -Ottawa |

Diamond cutting takes tenuous hold in Sudbury, Ont.
The future of diamond-cutting in Sudbury, Ont., remains unclear as De Beer's Victor mine is set to operate only for the next four years, removing its highest quality supplier of stones.
Business |

Ontario diamonds make their way around the world
The De Beers Victor mine in Northern Ontario is a piece of an intricate global puzzle, from how diamonds are mined, how the provincial government calculates its take, to who is permitted to handle the stones.
Business |

A mug full of diamonds: A reporter's notebook from the Victor mine
Rita Celli had the rare opportunity to explore the Victor diamond mine north of Attiwapiskat, Ont. Here are her observations from that experience.
Business |

Mining towns in Ontario feel shortchanged on resource riches
Ontario mining towns with rich gold and nickel deposits sit on billions in resources, but they feel poor and ignored.
Business |

How CBC found the secret diamond royalty
Faced with opaque accounting and company secrecy, CBC-Michener investigative reporter Rita Celli studied government documents until she discovered exactly how much, or how little, was paid.
Business |

Diamond royalties a closely guarded secret in Ontario
Ontario's only diamond mine is known for its exceptional quality stones, but the provincial government made more money on salt royalties in 2013-14 than on diamonds.
Business |

Mining companies to face more transparency
Canadian-owned oil, gas and mining companies must begin reporting next year all payments of more than $100,000 for government services, including port fees and royalties, beginning a new era of transparency in the mining sector.
Business |

Mining for more: How much is mining really worth to Ontario?
Ontario has collected about 1.5 per cent in royalties on the billions of dollars worth of ore extracted in the province over the past decade, but that is far below the provincial government’s estimate of five to 10 per cent.
Business |