Stephanie Dubois


Stephanie Dubois is a producer with CBC's health radio program and podcast White Coat, Black Art. Share your story ideas with her at

Latest from Stephanie Dubois

Most people in Denmark and the Netherlands have a doctor. Here's what Canada can learn

Denmark and the Netherlands are considered to some of the top countries for primary care. Doctors say Canada has a lot to learn from these nations.

Provinces are relying on virtual doctors to keep smaller ERs open. Here's how it works

Staffing smaller ERs in Canada is a struggle for many provinces. That's why some health authorities are relying on a doctor working virtually and the nurses on the ground to keep the doors open.

This ER doc responds to critical calls in B.C. in his spare time. For free

Dr. Nicholas Sparrow is doing something different in Canada. He's responding to critical calls in B.C.'s Kootenay region as a volunteer emergency response physician.

What do we know about how female bodies deal with heat?

As our world heats up, endocrinologists and researchers say there's still a lot to learn about how female bodies deal with extreme heat, especially in life-changing times like perimenopause or pregnancy. 

Thousands need a kidney transplant each year. Living donors could help meet the demand

Living donors are the best option for many in need of a kidney transplant. But patients and nephrologists say the testing process could be more streamlined for living donors.

Millions of Canadians need a family doctor. Here's how one B.C. recruiter attracts them

Attracting a doctor to work in a smaller community today is tough as fewer physicians choose family medicine. That's why Cheryl Gnyp, the recruiter for the city of Castlegar, B.C., needs to stand out. She uses the board game Operation and specialized coffee as part of her pitch to potential recruits at conferences.

Is it time to ditch sick note requirements? Doctors and patients are tired of them

Patients hate having to ask for them. Doctors don't like writing them. And, increasingly, health-care providers are taking a stand against them.

Why knowing your blood sugar level is important and how you can manage it

One out of three Canadians have diabetes or are in the prediabetes stage. Health experts say diet and exercise play a huge role in managing blood sugar levels.

So, you have a cold. What are the best ways to find relief?

It's cold and flu season in Canada, and doctors are sharing their best tips on how to treat symptoms like a runny nose and sore throat.

The U.K. and New Zealand want to ban the next generation from smoking at any age. Should Canada follow?

Government officials in the U.K. are proposing a smoke free generation law, following in the footsteps of New Zealand. Canadian experts say a generational ban could help.