Stephanie Jenzer
CBC News Producer
Latest from Stephanie Jenzer

At least 2 Canadian women and their children returning from ISIS detention camp
At least two Canadian women have left a detention camp in Syria and will be arriving in Canada Wednesday morning, CBC News has learned.
Politics |

Raqqa, once the home base of ISIS, still traumatized as it tries to resume normal life
Three years after Raqqa's liberation from Islamist militants by Syrian Kurdish forces and 10 years after the start of the Syrian civil war, the city that was once the home base for ISIS is struggling to come back to life.
World |
Canadian pastor charged in Myanmar for defying COVID-19 restriction on gatherings
David Lah said devout Christians could not get the coronavirus, then he got it himself. Now the Canadian who has been in Myanmar since at least February faces jail time for holding public sermons in defiance of government rules restricting large events.
World |
'Gave their lives for us': Canada's role in Italian campaign remembered 75 years later
This week, Canada's role in the Italian campaign — which saw 93,000 soldiers take part in an aggressive push up the country's coast during the Second World War — is being remembered on its 75th anniversary.
World |

Born out of a cycling scandal 20 years ago, it's Russia doping crisis that dogs WADA today
As the World Anti-Doping Agency marked its 20th anniversary last week, there were warnings that the coming days will be critical to the future of the international body meant to safeguard clean sport for the world's athletes.
Sports -Olympics |

Author and political activist Arundhati Roy on missing India's election — and being a lifelong agitator
The CBC's Nahlah Ayed speaks to author and political activist Arundhati Roy on the eve of India's election results.
World |
How Modi's populist message won the Indian PM a second term
Over the last five years, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been seen both as an incorruptible champion of the masses and the “divider in chief.” He's now poised for another five-year term at the helm of a country at a crossroads.
World |
'The battle is still on': Fake news rages in India's WhatsApp elections
As hundreds of millions of Indians vote in the country's massive staggered election, journalists and civil society groups are working overtime to try and fight back against fast-moving falsehoods that some fear could alter the outcome of the vote.
World |
'The first thing is food': But aid pledges fall short after Mozambique cyclone
An unprecedented cyclone hits a devastatingly poor country. At what point should other countries intervene? For India, the answer was made easier by serendipity: it happened to have three naval vessels in the Indian Ocean when Cyclone Idai struck Mozambique on March 14, killing more than 500 people.
World |
Extraordinary destruction and flooding in Mozambique point to unprecedented storm
Beira is still in mourning, still bearing the scars of sudden catastrophe. As the city tries to get back on its feet, its people are still trying to make sense of a singular storm that defied the rules of any they have ever known.
World |