Craig Wong
The Canadian Press
Latest from Craig Wong
Loonie falls to lowest level since 2020 after Trump issues tariff threat
The Canadian dollar fell to its lowest level since May 2020 after Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Canadian goods shipped to the United States once he takes office in January.
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Grads with a first job need to establish good financial habits early: experts
Depositing the paycheque from your first real job in your bank account can be a bit of a rush, leaving you feeling flush with cash and ready to put the frugalities of the student lifestyle behind.
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Smart beta ETFs look to improve upon plain-vanilla index funds
Smart beta ETFs are gaining ground on Index-tracking ETFs by adding criteria such as volatility, valuation, quality and size to limit the stocks held in the fund.
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America's election and your portfolio: Here's how to protect yourself either way
The U.S. election promises to be a wild ride to Nov. 8 and stock markets could be taken along for the volatile trip to voting day. With that in mind, experts are urging investors to resist falling prey to emotion and see past the short term while remaining focused on their plans.
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Laid-off oilpatch workers who moved provinces could face big tax bill
Thousands of laid-off oilpatch workers could be on the hook for big tax bills if they returned to their home provinces before the end of last year, as their 2015 income could now be taxed at a higher rate.
Canada -Calgary |

New tax rates and tax-free rule changes for Canadians to watch for in 2016
"With the changes just implemented both to tax rates and TFSAs, everybody needs to take care to make sure their tax planning is right for their own situation," says an expert in taxation and retirement.
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Winning the lottery: How to plan your financial future
There is no magic number that applies to everyone that would allow a comfortable early retirement, but financial experts say it's important to have a plan and put that money away before you blow it all away.
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