Are you happy with the price and speed of your internet service?
You weighed in via our forum discussion

It depends on where they live, but many Canadians complain that their internet service is too pricey and too slow.
A national review on internet access has heard these complaints from many Canadians in different parts of the country who gripe about their dismal digital services.
- Cross Country Checkup: Happy with the price and speed of your internet?
- Digital divide: Is high-speed internet a luxury or a right?
There has also been a growing argument that high-speed home internet access is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. The CRTC is going to be making a decision on that soon. Advocacy groups are calling for much lower monthly internet packages. Will the CRTC's decision impact internet service?
We asked what you thought: Are you happy with the price and speed of your internet service?
You weighed in via CBC Forum, our experiment at encouraging a different kind of discussion on our website. We also paired up with CBC Radio's Cross Country Checkup, who simultaneously posed the same question, but over the airwaves.
We've rounded up some of the best contributions to the forum discussion below.
Please note that user names are not necessarily the names of commenters. Some comments have been altered to correct spelling and to conform to CBC style. Click on the user name to see the comment in the blog format.
Overall, there were a lot of unhappy people.
- "We should have the best internet and infrastructure in the world with these outrageous prices. Asia and Europe are absolutely dominating in that regard." — Brad 76
- "The Canadian people are being provided terrible service with expensive prices, being stuck in a monopoly of several big ISPs, while having to deal with Draconian plans that have no real value in a first world country that is supposed to evolve and help lead the world to a better future." — Jack Archer
Many thought the government should step up its role.
- "Internet access could be free if the government wishes it ... best gift to its citizens ... all citizens." — shariati shariati
- "The Canadian government needs to reinvest the many millions of dollars gained from selling public radio wavelengths into fibre optic cable infrastructure throughout the country." — Rob Ferguson
- "[Canadian] internet is falling behind due to lack of government leadership. True that the country is large and population density low — yet (more than ever) Canadians expect and use the internet for both pleasure and business. New policies are needed where the government sets broadband targets with a schedule, and an ultimatum — but also offers a collaborative effort for infrastructure construction across the country to offset the need for the telecoms to make a profit for their shareholders." — John Reid, Vancouver
There were even a few personal anecdotes.
- "Our rural internet service hiked their prices by 40 per cent recently. And the service got worse. Eastlink has a monopoly on the internet service here in rural Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia thanks to a former provincial government. The speed goes from barely acceptable to very slow in the blink of an eyelash." — SouWestActivist