Bad news about some food labels: The Marketplace consumer cheat sheet
The case for weak beer and the skinny on fast food calories

Miss something this week? Don't panic. CBC's Marketplace has rounded up the consumer and health news you need.
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The case for weak beer

Refreshing news about lighter beer: New research found lowering the amount of alcohol in beer by one per cent would make us healthier, and we wouldn't notice any difference at all. Win, win. If you're more of a wine drinker, there's some good news for you, too.
Ads you can't block

Facebook: 1; ad blockers: 0. Facebook announced it's beaten the way you're currently blocking anything that tries to sell you stuff. It's only a matter of time until blocking software catches up, and your timeline is, once again, an uninterrupted stream of pictures of babies, puppies and some guy's sandwich.
Delta's bad week

It has not been the very best time to be Delta, or to be a Delta passenger. The airline had to cancel more than 2,000 flights this week and delay thousands more after computers went down. Need to know your flight rights when you get stuck? Here's our primer.
Bad news about fast food labels
Sad face for your happy meal. In Ontario, calorie labels are coming to all your favourite purveyors of fast food, but there's a hitch: They may actually make you gain weight.
Gonna make you sweat
Are those amazing athletes in Rio making you want to be better, faster, stronger? On your way to your own podium, check out our investigation on which sports performance products you can drop from your own training regimen. Insert training montage here.
On TV: Best before when?
How much can you rely on those best before dates on food you buy at the supermarket? Grocery store insiders tell us everything, including how some stores sell you old food. This is why we don't get invited to dinner parties. Watch it again this weekend or watch online now.