Aboriginal Peoples: Mapping the future
Special report on land claims across Canada

Land: the great misunderstanding between Aboriginal Peoples and governments throughout Canadian history. In aboriginal spirituality, land cannot be separated from the creatures that it supports and feeds, including humans. Still today, the Ojibwa speak of Pimachiowin Aki, land that gives life.
For a modern industrial nation, the word "land" means wealth: agriculture and industry, mines and forests, cities and suburbs, roads and pipelines.
For over 200 years, native Canadians have been relegated to the outskirts of their original land. But they have not renounced their rights and they wish to take part, too, in the country's economic life.
This special report presents the context of discussions between governments and native groups on this issue.
Index: Mapping the future
- Main page: Land claims map
- Slideshows: Community case studies
- 10 key dates in the story
- How claims are submitted, negotiated
- Treaties from 1760 to 1923
- Land rights set in Constitution, defined by judges
- 7 cases that made headlines
- Background: Specific land claims
- British Columbia: A testing ground
- Background: The Indian Act
- Radio Canada: Terres autochtones en vue