Peter Mitton
Peter Mitton is a writer, producer and correspondent at CBC Radio. His work has appeared on The Current, Ideas, and q.
Latest from Peter Mitton

'It's like a little trigger': The surprising benefits of boredom
Most people have an aversion to boredom, and try to avoid it by reaching for their smartphones, but is that doing more harm than good? Some who have studied the phenomenon think so.
Science |

Can you spot the fake bill? Take our quiz.
Another session of Parliament has just wrapped up. And we're marking the occasion with a quiz to test your knowledge on how well you know the latest crop of legislation. Can you spot a real bill, from a fake one? Find out.
Radio -The Current |

deadmau5 on Q
One of the most recognizable electronic musicians in the world, Joel Zimmerman, a.k.a. deadmau5 is at the top of his game. He stopped by Studio Q for a rare feature chat about his rise to stardom, sudden fame, controversial attitude and the state of electronic music.
Radio -Q |

Redesigning Uncle Sam
It may be iconic, but the traditional image of "Uncle Sam" doesn't exactly reflect the demographics of today's United States.
Radio -Q |

Q Contest: What's the craziest thing you've done to be healthy?
Immersive journalist extraordinaire A.J. Jacobs was here today to talk about his latest book, Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest for Bodily Perfection. Listen to the interview here, and let us know what outrageous lengths you've gone to be healthy in the comments. Our favourite comment will win a copy of the book, and a Q mug!...
Radio -Q |

Rufus Wainwright on Q
Listen in as Rufus Wainwright visits Studio Q. He performs some brand new songs and sits down with Jian to talk about the loss of his mother, the birth of his daughter, and finally settling down.
Radio -Q |

How creativity works: Jonah Lehrer on Q
Want to be more creative? Jonah Lehrer says it's possible. The seriously talented young writer's new book explores the science of creativity, as well as tips and tricks that worked for thinkers like Steve Jobs and Bob Dylan
Radio -Q |

Mio on the Down-Lo: To Shave Or Not To Shave
Hmmm...on which side of the arm pit do you stand? Hair or no hair, the choice is rightfully yours as this article in ENVIRONMENTAL GRAFFITI rightly asserts. But keep in mind, maintaining the surface area of that minge protects pheromone (the active chemical in physical attraction) production. And you will need your pheromones for these PHEROMONE PARTIES. More stuff after...
Radio -Q |

"Mad Woman" Jane Maas on Q
After a 17-month-long hiatus, Mad Men is finally back. Today, Jian spoke to ad pioneer Jane Maas, who's been called the "real life Peggy Olson". She started her advertising career as a copywriter at Ogilvy and Mather in 1964, and eventually became one of the top names in the business... the brains behind many memorable campaigns, including "I Love...
Radio -Q |

Jian's essay on Saskatchewan's film and television industry
Image via mindseyepictures.comIn today's opening essay, Jian reflects on the Saskatchewan government's decision to scrap a key TV and film tax credit that brought lots of production to the province....
Radio -Q |