Peter Xirogiannis
Peter Xirogiannis is a musician by trade, and a self-proclaimed bon vivant. He is an impassioned enthusiast of wine, and a member of Montreal's Mo' Wine Group. He is an active contributor to Vivino, having rated over 800 wines to date.
Latest from Peter Xirogiannis

Wine Notes: Looking for a bottle of bubbly to bring to a party?
You've been invited to a party and the host has asked you to bring champagne. Do they want you to bring any sparkling wine, or a true champagne? Confused? You are not alone.
Canada -Montreal |

Wine Notes: How to become a wine connoisseur for the holidays
What's the first step to enjoying a rich glass of red or a bottle of dry white? Wine enthusiast Peter Xirogiannis says slowing down, and putting yourself in the moment.
Canada -Montreal |