More impaired drivers taken off road this summer in Vancouver than last year, VPD says
'Some people just aren’t getting the message that impaired driving just isn’t worth it'

Vancouver police say they took 360 impaired drivers off Vancouver roads this summer, a figure that's 100 more than what was recorded last year.
The Vancouver Police Department released the results of "CounterAttack," its summertime campaign tackling impaired driving which it runs in collaboration with ICBC.
The roadblocks this year ran from late June to early August, and more officers were deployed compared to last year. While this may have contributed to the increase in the number of impaired drivers caught, Sgt. Jason Robillard said, it's also an indication that driving under the influence persists on Vancouver's roads.
"Some people just aren't getting the message that impaired driving just isn't worth it," he said in a news release.
"If you drive stoned or drunk, you are putting yourself and others at risk, and the chance of getting caught is very likely."
Of the 360 drivers taken off the road, 116 were issued roadside suspensions, 244 were handed immediate roadside prohibitions and 12 were recommended to Crown counsel.
VPD warns impaired driving is one of the leading causes of fatalities in the province and has encouraged anyone who spots impaired driving to immediately call 911.