4 reasons to license your dog, from the City of Vancouver
Of an estimated 145,000 dogs in Vancouver, only about 20,000 are licensed

There are plenty of great reasons to license your dog, according to the City of Vancouver, but only about one in every seven dogs actually get the tags.
Of an estimated 145,000 dogs in Vancouver, about 20,000 are licensed, according to John Gray, assistance manager of animal services for the City of Vancouver.
Licensing information helps staff decide where to build dog parks, where to grant business licenses for dog daycares, and ultimately, it helps staff return lost dogs to their owners.
Here are a few more reasons why you should license your dog.
1. It's cheap and easy
Like most things nowadays, people can buy dog licences online.
It costs $41 per year to license your dog in Vancouver. Dog owners can register online at vancouver.ca/pets or by calling 311.
2. Just in case...
"The best incentive for getting a dog licensed is that you get your dog back when your dogs been lost," said Gray.
Registering your dog with the city means staff are able to contact you if they find your dog.
"We have a 97 per cent return-to-owner rate in Vancouver."
3. Fines start at $250
Licensing your dog is mandatory in Vancouver — fines start at $250 and can go higher if the case is taken to court, according to Gray.
Bylaw officers usually start by warning an owner if their dog is found without a license, said Gray.
4. It's for a good cause
The city uses dog licensing fees to fund programs that give lost dogs a second chance.
Money collected from dog licenses go toward reuniting owners with lost dogs, operating the city shelter, and finding adoptive families for dogs that don't have a home, according to Gray.
To listen to the full interview, click the link labelled: Vancouver encouraging dog licensing.