4 Surrey shootings in 2 days have police concerned
Surrey RCMP believe all shootings are targeted and linked

Three targeted shootings in the span of 19 hours were all connected, Surrey RCMP said.
A fourth shooting occurred a day later and police have called in the gang unit to investigate.
“This type of activity is deeply concerning to the Surrey RCMP and the community” said Sgt. Dale Carr. "We are urging anyone with information regarding these shootings to come forward, it is imperative that you do, before someone else is seriously injured or killed”.
Two of the victims in the four shootings were taken to hospital, treated and released. Police do not know if there are other victims.
"We're bringing on board our Surrey gang enforcement team," Carr said, but the police "haven't made any conclusive links to gangs at this point."

Later that day, police found a car around 5:50 p.m. PT that the RCMP said " bore the evidence of being involved in a shooting."
Then an hour later, Surrey RCMP were called to a shooting where another 20-year-old was injured near 127th Street and 78 Avenue.
Police were also called around 11 p.m. to 128th Street and 76th Avenue after witnesses reports gunshots had been fired.
When police arrived on the scene, "it was apparent that all parties had departed," but they were "told by witnesses that four dark coloured vehicles were seen departing the area at a high rate of speed immediately after the sounds of gunshots."
The latest shooting occurred Wednesday afternoon around 1:30 p.m. Witnesses heard shots that had been fired near 132nd Street and 80th Avenue. No victim has been located yet.
Click here to see a map of the three shooting locations.
Note: Police do not yet have a location for the first shooting as the victim was dropped off at the hospital.
Community concerns
Douglas Elford with the Newton Community Association said the shootings had the community on edge.
"I honestly think there's something definitely is happening in the neighbourhood and we have a right to be concerned ... some people could end up getting hurt," he said.
"We're just asking people in Newton to take special precaution be very concerned, be very alert because we don't want innocent people getting hurt in this potential gang activity."
The association wants more dialogue with RCMP as well as immediate warnings when there is risk to the community.
Surrey councillor Tom Gill said Surrey is a safe place despite this string of the shootings and more RCMP officers are being added.
"There's about 35 that will be arriving in the next several weeks," he said.