Anne Frank House coming to Vancouver
Exhibit from Amsterdam launches in 2014

An international travelling exhibition inspired by the famous World War Two diary of Holocaust victim Anne Frank aims to teach Vancouver students about the need for tolerance.
Anne Frank: A history for today has been created by Anne Frank House to teach visitors about the history of the Holocaust from the point of view of Anne Frank and her family.
Though it was written more than 70 years ago, The Diary of Anne Frank continues to be taught around the world. Julie Couture, Canadian coordinator of the Anne Frank House, said it is still important today.
"There are still victims today of discrimination and that's why she's still relevant today," said Couture in an interview with CBC Radio's Rick Cluff on The Early Edition.
Couture is in Vancouver this week to get schools interested in taking part and encourage local students to become guides.
She'll help train interested students to become experts in Anne Frank's story, so they can teach their peers about it when the show arrives in Vancouver in January 2014.
The exhibition includes guided discussions about the relevance of Frank's story today and is meant to get young people thinking about the cultural, ethnic, religious and political differences in society and the importance of tolerance and human rights.