Arrest made as B.C. Mounties investigate alleged ring of thieves targeting airports
60-year-old woman is in custody, accused of stealing passenger's purse at YVR

RCMP say a woman arrested at Vancouver's airport for allegedly stealing a passenger's purse is believed to be part of an organized group of thieves targeting airports.
The Mounties say the 60-year-old woman was arrested at Vancouver airport by RCMP officers in conjunction with an ongoing undercover theft investigation.
The RCMP says plainclothes teams have been at the airport conducting surveillance since March for theft issues primarily at the international arrivals terminal.
Police say other law enforcement agencies besides the RCMP are interested in the accused and have been involved in the investigation.
RCMP say the woman is in custody and police are looking at the possibility of linking her with multiple thefts.
RCMP Insp. Keith Bramhill says in a statement that thieves who specialize in theft at airports generally work in teams and divert attention from passengers to steal valuables.