Sohrab Sandhu
Sohrab Sandhu is a video journalist based in Vancouver, B.C. He has previously worked as a television journalist in India. You can connect with him at sohrab.sandhu@cbc.ca or on X at @sohrab_s.
Latest from Sohrab Sandhu
Violent extortion threats forced him to transform his life. He wasn't alone
For months, B.C. businessman Jas Arora got calls demanding money and threatening him and his family if he didn’t pay up. While recent RCMP allegations accusing Indian agents of orchestrating a campaign of violence and intimidation have calmed the situation, Arora and others in the South Asian community worry it’s too soon to relax after the threats wreaked havoc on their lives.
Canada -British Columbia |

Video appears to show Surrey, B.C., partygoers waving guns
The 14-second video, which surfaced on social media platform X on July 31, shows about a dozen people at what looks like a wedding celebration, waving and pointing firearms in the air while dancing.
Canada -British Columbia |