B.C. elementary school teacher suspended after displaying porn in class
Image of female genitalia popped up on teacher's laptop and was projected to Grade 6/7 class during a lesson

A B.C. elementary school teacher has been disciplined after a pornographic image was projected to his class during a lesson.
Jeffrey Rohin Muthanna was suspended for 13 days without pay and issued a letter of discipline, according to documents made public by the B.C. Commissioner for Teacher Regulation.
According to an agreed statement, in June of 2016, Muthanna was attempting to show his class an online educational site from his work laptop when "a picture of female genitalia from an internet pop up was inadvertently projected onto the screen."
The image was seen by Grade 6 and 7 students and an education assistant.
It was later discovered that Muthanna had been using his district-issued laptop to access porn and a chat room for approximately two years.
Muthanna was suspended in September of 2016 but is now facing a further, undisclosed reprimand according to the Nov. 28 document.
The location of the incident was not made public.