B.C. fires: Thank a B.C. firefighter by sending an online message
Government page allows people to write a message of thanks to firefighters

There are hundreds of men and women battling more than 180 wildfires burning across B.C. right now and the province has a website where you can send them messages of support and appreciation.
The page — dating back to 2003 — is called Messages for our firefighters and is described as a place "for you to let our brave firefighters know you support their efforts."
"To all the brave men and woman fighting these battles up close and all the people working hard on the sidelines to organize and keep updates coming, thank you," wrote Mindy J. Wise.
"It is so sad what is happening to our beautiful land right now but knowing that we have all you amazing people out there makes me feel proud of our province. May you all be safe."
VIDEO: <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BC?src=hash">#BC</a> airtankers battling <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BCwildfires?src=hash">#BCwildfires</a> near <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FortNelson?src=hash">#FortNelson</a> on July 5 <a href="http://t.co/2LjtoHpO5Y">pic.twitter.com/2LjtoHpO5Y</a>
Kevin Skrepnek at the Wildfire Management Branch told CBC News that firefighters must have a minimum eight-hour break each day and can work 14 days straight before mandated days off.
All available B.C. firefighters, including 622 contractors, are already engaged across the province.
B.C. also has requests in for 290 more fire firefighters, including crews from Australia and New Zealand. Ontario has sent 70 firefighters on Tuesday and more reinforcements are on their way early next week.