B.C. teachers' strike: Day care workers can cross picket lines, Labour Relations Board rules
Ruling means 5 school-aged day cares in Vancouver schools can reopen

Five licensed day cares centre in Vancouver schools that were shut down at the start of the B.C. teachers' strike last June have reopened, following a Labour Relations Board ruling.
Collingwood Neighbourhood House secured the Labour Relations Board ruling last week confirming unionized employees can cross the picket lines. The employees are members of CUPE, and did not cross the line during picketing last spring.
That means 5 day cares operated by the community centre in East Vancouver schools have been able to reopen this week, according to Sharon Gregson, the director of Child and Family Development Services at Collingwood.
Most of the nearly 200 spaces in the programs are full, she says, but there are spaces.
"There are still a few spaces which parents can have if they call the neighbourhood house and ask to speak to an enrolment coordinator."
Gregson, who is also a childcare advocate on the provincial level, says the scramble for childcare this week is highlighting a shortage of licensed, quality childcare spots in B.C..
"The $40 a day the provincial government is promising doesn't buy care that doesn't exist."