B.C. teachers' strike: Premier Christy Clark's popularity dips, says poll
Clark's approval rating is falling, but she may not have cause for concern

As the B.C. teachers' strike continues, Premier Christy Clark's approval rating continues to fall still, she may not have reason to be too concerned.
According to the latest Angus Reid poll, Clark's approval rating has fallen from 37 per cent when strike began in June to 32 per cent in the September poll, putting her in sixth place among the nine premiers in the survey.
But it seems unlikely Clark will be troubled by the numbers, since her approval rating is still seven per cent higher than her 25 per cent approval rating in March, 2013.
Two months after that low point, Clark defied the pollsters' predictions of a crushing defeat and won a majority government in the May 2013 provincial election.
The Angus Reid Global survey of 6318 adults across Canada was conducted between Aug. 27 and Sept 4 using randomly selected members of an online panel. PEI was excluded from the results.
Respondents in each province were asked if they approved or disapproved of the performance of their premier.