Rent hike in B.C. is frozen, but province says landlords can evict
Residential Tenancy Board released details of its plan, which gives renters until July 2021 to repay

A payment plan has been set out for renters in British Columbia who haven't been able to pay rent during the COVID-19 pandemic as a government moratorium on evictions ends on Sept. 1.
Renters in arrears between March 18 and Aug. 17 will have until at least next July to pay back the money owed to landlords.
The government says landlords and renters need to work out a payment plan with the extra payment due with the monthly rent.
The province has also extended its prohibition on rent increases, stopping landlords from raising rents until December.
It says anyone who was issued an increase should continue to pay the current amount.
The rental supplement remains available until the end of August at $500 a month for families and $300 for renters without dependents.
The government says it has helped more than 86,000 households with rent payments during the pandemic.