B.C. wildfires: Evacuation ordered at Euchiniko Lakes Ranch
Euchiniko Lakes fire has spread to cover 1,200 hectares as of Sunday afternoon

A local state of emergency has been declared in the Cariboo Regional District due to a spreading wildfire.

An evacuation order was issued just after 4 p.m. PT for the Euchiniko Lakes Ranch, which under five kilometres to the northeast from one edge of the fire zone.
The Euchiniko Lakes wildfire, believed to have been sparked by lightning, has grown to cover 1,200 hectares since it was discovered on Tuesday.
As of Sunday, 41 firefighters were trying to control the blaze, putting out hot spots on the south side of the lake with the support of six helicopters.
Earlier in the week, three oil and gas worker camps were evacuated due to concerns over the spreading Red Deer Creek wildfire, which was estimated to cover 3,800-hectares on Sunday and has 160 firefighters working to contain it.
Three other wildfires were listed on the B.C. Wildfire Management Branch's "wildfires of note" list Sunday afternoon.
Dozens of other wildfires were burning Sunday, and 21 firefighters from Ontario were expected to arrive in Kamloops to help support B.C.'s wildfire fighting efforts.