B.C. woman still waiting for moving company to deliver her stuff more than a month later
Company keeps demanding she sign credit card authorization even though she says she's paid in full

A woman who moved from Calgary to Vernon is worried she will never see her possessions again, because the moving company she hired still hasn't delivered her stuff and keeps asking for credit card authorizations.
Tina Jensen packed up her one-bedroom condo in Calgary at the end of June for a move to B.C.
But she wasn't sure where in the province she would end up settling down, so she hired Green Moving and Storage to pick up and store all her belongings for at least five weeks, with the understanding they would eventually be delivered to wherever she ended up.
The quote, she says, was $1,100.
'Entire home' picked up
Jensen gave the company her credit card information, so it could charge her a $100 deposit.
On June 29, a sub-contractor based in Calgary, Mid-West Moving and Storage Services, picked up her things.
"It was my entire home," said Jensen. "Furniture and dishes and all my memorabilia, all my pictures, all my memories. It was everything."
Jensen headed to Vancouver Island, where she planned to stay with a friend. But that plan fell through.
"So, I was basically homeless," she said.
Jensen couldn't find a place to live on the island, so she decided to move to Vernon, which is where she grew up and still has friends.
She took possession of her new place at the beginning of August and contacted Green Moving and Storage to arrange delivery of her stuff.

By this point, the company had billed her credit card almost $3,200, but the company said it couldn't deliver her things until she signed a credit card authorization.
"And I said, 'why would I sign a credit card authorization when you already, without my authorization, charged $3,200 on my credit card,'" said Jensen.
"I waited and waited. I emailed. I called them. I talked to accounting, and I said, 'why is this not coming?'"
Paid in full
Jensen said she was told she was paid up in full but still needed to sign the authorization, as well as provide a picture of the front and back of her credit card.
"I was scared that if I gave them an authorization, they would charge me more."
- 2½ month wait for moving company to deliver furniture frustrates Bedford woman
- Better Business Bureau warns of moving company scams
- Moving company complaints on the rise
On Aug. 9, Jensen cancelled her credit card, so no more charges could be billed to it. She then signed the authorization and sent in a picture of the cancelled credit card.
The next day, the company acknowledged both had been received, she said.
But when her stuff still did not arrive in the following weeks, Jensen hired a lawyer who sent the company a letter demanding it deliver her stuff.
"They've never responded to my lawyer," she said.
Called police
On Sept. 21, Jensen contacted the Calgary police and an officer called the company, she said.
"And they told [the officer], 'there's no problem.' Even though I've sent them emails, text messages and called them. Nobody will talk to me or talk to my lawyer."
Jensen said the officer told her the company reiterated its stance that all Jensen needed to do was sign the credit card authorization.
"Apparently, they said if I do that again, I will get my move next week. But I don't trust this company," she said.
Still, Jensen has once again signed the authorization and sent in a picture of her cancelled credit card.
"I still don't know if I'm going to get it back. I don't know if I have to give them an active credit card in order for them to bring me my stuff. It's very frightening to have everything you own gone," she said.
Other complaints
Green Moving has yet to respond to CBC about Jensen's complaint.
Mid-West Moving and Storage Services, the Calgary company contracted by Green Moving and Storage to move Jensen's stuff, declined to comment.
This is not the first complaint against Green Moving and Storage.
A woman who moved from Bedford, N.S. to Edmonton told the CBC she waited 2 ½ months for the company to deliver her things.
And the Better Business Bureau lists five complaints against the company and gives it a grade of F.