Bad ecstasy batch puts two teens in hospital warn police in Saanich
Police issue public warning, but say no other cases have surfaced

Saanich police are issuing a public warning about a bad batch of ecstasy after two youths on the drug wound up in hospital Saturday, one of them in intensive care.
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"The Saanich police are issuing a warning advising that there appears to be a bad batch of ecstasy on the street," said police in a written statement. "At this point in time there have not been other reports of similar reactions from other jurisdictions."
Saanich police say the youths purchased a quantity of "M," but couldn't say whether it was Molly, a form of powdered ecstasy or MDMA that can be easily mixed with other synthetic drugs.
A number of Molly-related drug deaths were reported last year after the drug was consumed at concerts.
Addiction experts and doctors say Molly is dangerous because of the potential for adverse reactions due to contaminants.