In tents expansion: B.C. adds 600 campsites to provincial parks, recreation sites
Ministry of Environment says B.C.’s parks see 21 million visits every year

B.C. will add 600 new campsites to provincial parks and recreation sites across the province this year to meet rising popularity.
The Ministry of Environment said in a statement Thursday the new campsites would be located in the Lower Mainland, Thompson-Okanagan, Kootenay Rockies and Mount Robson areas, where demand is highest.
"Camping is more popular than ever, which is why our government continues to increase the number of campsites and enhance visitor experience," Minister George Heyman said.
The ministry added that facilities will be upgraded or expanded at four parks: Fintry Park north of Kelowna in the Okanagan, Martha Creek Park near Revelstoke in southeastern B.C., Robson River in the Rocky Mountains and Monck Park near Merritt in the southern Interior.
In total, B.C.'s provincial parks see 21 million visits every year, the ministry said.
Campers have complained in past years that there are too few campsites to meet demand, especially when many choice camping spots are reserved well ahead of time.
The province said the 600 sites being added in 2019 will be 55 per cent reservable and the rest available first-come, first-served.