B.C. Compassion Club location given leave to stay by Board of Variance
The dispensary has been operating in the same location for 18 years

A medical marijuana dispensary on Vancouver's Commercial Drive has been given leave to remain in its current location, despite being in close proximity to two schools.
In a unanimous decision, the city's Board of Variance has voted in favour of the B.C. Compassion Club Society (BCCCS) continuing to serve their community from the building they have occupied since 1997.
"This decision comes as a great relief to our 6,000 members who have been waiting, terrified for this day," Hilary Black, founder of the BCCCS said in a statement Thursday.
The non-profit society had struggled to find an alternative location at a rent that they could afford after the city introduced new regulations to ensure medical marijuana dispensaries are located at least 300 meters from schools, recreation centres or other dispensaries.
The Compassion Club is located close to two schools, both of which, Black said, asked the city to allow the dispensary to stay.
"Clearly the BOV has seen that we are not a threat to the public or the safety of children," Black said.
"Our Wellness Centre provides 3,400 health care appointments each year, and closing it would cause massive hardship on our patients."